Contract Vehicles and Partners

CSRI is proud to support our customers across the public and private sectors for over three (3) decades. Through our contracts, we can offer customers procurement paths that will make the purchasing process as easy as possible. If you need help determining which of our contracts to choose for your purchasing needs, call our team and we will be glad to assist you.

We also work with many partner companies across the country both large and small.  We work as a team believing in collaborative and innovative approaches and leveraging collective capabilities of our team for the benefits of our clients. We have forged alliances with leading companies around the world in order to distribute, integrate, and enhance our broad line of superior products and services.

It is easy to work with CSRI through our various government-wide and departmental contract vehicles, blanket purchase agreements, and client-focused Master Contracts. Our contract vehicles call upon CSRI’s expertise across our entire portfolio of transformative services and solutions.

​Some of the Contract Vehicles available as a Prime or Teaming Partner are listed below. Please contact us for additional details.

​Navy SeaPort-Enhanced

DHS Eagle 11
ITES-3H, U.S. Army
NAVSEA has awarded multiple    IDIQ contracts for the SeaPort    Enhanced contract. As a          subcontractor CSRI can provide  the following services:
  • Professional Engineering
  • Technical Programmatic    Support for: Naval Sea Systems Command’s Naval Surface Warfare Center  (NSWC), Naval Undersea Warfare Center   (NUSC)

SeaPort-e furthers the Navy’s  SeaPower 21 objective to  increase efficiency, and allows
for tailoring services according  to the needs of geographically-  dispersed organizations with  significantly diverse product  area requirements and missions.

The DHS EAGLE 11 contract is  designed to offer a broad range
of services, solutions and  contract types to fulfill the  majority of component and  departmental IT service needs  at DHS. CSRI serves as a  subcontractor within:

The functional area Category 2-Information Technology  Program Support Services,  focuses on providing a full  range of business and technical management services in support of DHS offices or  programs to include but not  limited to:

  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Strategic Planning
  • Data Management
  • Information Sharing
  • Information Security
  • Enterprise Resource   Management
  • Business Process-Re-   Engineering
  • Program Management Office   Support 
The ITES-3H contracts provide  for the purchase and lease of  commercial UNIX Based  Servers, Non-UNIX based  servers, desktops, notebooks,  workstations, thin clients ...

The U.S. Army’s Information  Technology Enterprise  Solutions-  3 Hardware (ITES-  3H) contract provides  commercial information  technology equipment to  support the Army’s server,  office IT equipment and storage  environment needs. ITES-3H is  a five-year, $5 billion contract  under the umbrella of the  Computer Hardware Enterprise  Software and Solutions (CHESS)  program, the Army’s primary  source for commercial IT  procurement.

CSRI serves as a subcontractor  to several Prime contractors.

The new contract runs through  Feb. 21, 2021.

CSRI is a Team Member on CIO-   SP3 contract intended to  provide health and biomedical-  related information technology  (IT) services to meet scientific,  health, administrative,  operational, managerial, and  information management  requirements.

Task Areas include:
Task Area 1-IT services for  Biomedical Research, Health  Sciences, and Healthcare
Task Area 2- Chief Information  Officer (CIO) Support
Task Area 3- Imaging
Task Area 4- Outsourcing
Task Area 5-IT Operations and  Maintenance
Task Area 6- Integration  Services Task Area 7- Critical  Infrastructure Protection and  Information Assurance
Task Area 8- Digital  Government Task Area 10-  Software Development

CONTACT US   (202) 829-1916

  GSA Alliant Small Business    GWAC

        District of Columbia                  Government Major                    Contracting Vehicles

    District of Columbia
    Information Technology        Staff Augmentation- IT          Pipeline
           Blanket Purchase                       Agreements
The Alliant Small Business  GWAC is an IDIQ contract to  provide Federal Government  Agencies with integrated IT  solutions for evolving needs on  a global basis. It provides  flexible access to customized IT  solutions from a large, diverse  pool of industry partners.  Alliant Small Business allows  for  long-term planning of  large-scale program  requirements, while  strengthening opportunities
for small businesses.

CSRI is the holder of four (4) DC  Supply Schedules where many  of  it's IT services and products  with DC Government are  procured. The schedules are:
  • IT Equipment & Software
  • Mission Oriented Business -Integrated Services-MOBIS
  • Temporary Support Services
  • Security Equipment, Security Services and Emergency Preparedness

Pipeline is an IT staffing  augmentation contract. CSRI is  a subcontractor to Prime  Contractor Computer Aid, Inc.  (CAI).

The purpose of the contract is  for CAI to provide the District  with information technology  (IT) resources primarily  through District approved CBE  firms.
Some of the Job Titles include  but are limited to:

  • Application Developer
  • Database Administrator
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Project Manager
  • US Department of Agriculture
  • U.S. Army- Fort Mead
  • U.S. Commerce
  • Washington Convention and  Sports Authority
  • Metropolitan Police Department
  • Dekalb County Government
  • District of Columbia  Government Agencies 
  • State of Maryland
  • State of Virginia